

The Concepts of Smoking

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610+ The Negative Effects Of Smoking On Health Stock Photos ...

There exists an amazing extent of indication that a diversity of
appalling diseases materialize more frequently in smokers than in non-smokers and these diseases are Lung cancer; emphysema causing thinning and weakening of lung tissue; cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, gullet,
bladder, and pancreas; coronary thrombosis causing snarl-up of arteries
to the heart; angina pectoris causing pain due to contraction of
arteries to the heart; and chronic bronchitis with phlegm. Moreover,
Smoking materializes due to delay in healing of stomach ulcers; it trims
down the senses of smell and taste; slows down reflexes which causes
smokers more prone to accidents; and gives a distasteful smell from the
breath, clothes, and homes of smokers. Very contemporary survey
exemplifies that smokers cause danger to the health of non-smokers.
Pregnant women smokers tend to have smaller babies than non-smokers, and
their babies are more likely to be expected to be born dead or die a few days
after birth. Besides such tremendously adverse effects, the children of
smoking parents have more lung infections in the first years of life
than the children of non-smokers.

During one hour in a smoky room, a non-smoker can gasp as much
cancer-causing substances as someone smoking 15 filter-tip cigarettes.
Infirmity consistent to smoking is very expensive. In U.K., France,
Germany, China, and USA, it results in the loss of about 60 million
working days a year, treatment costs several hundred thousand dollars a
day, and it causes the death of over a million people a week. However,
those who give up smoking greatly trim down their chances of developing
diseases. Hence it is obvious that smoking has been halfhearted every
times and as such, even in general advertisements to sell their product,
the work of publication of the product’s brand name and packaging system to
point toward the quality of the product has been proscribed.

The heart is the crucial point of human beings and as such, cause
of blood transmission problems, lots of heart diseases come about. Blood
circulation system takes place from the heart and arteries and veins
are the carriers of it whereas veins carry pure blood and the entire
circulation system remains in the state of the continuous flow of balanced
form of humans’ survival as a tentative flow.
Hypertensive heart disease:
It means high pressure. It is the most common disease affecting the
heart and blood vessels. When pressure remains high, the heart uses more
energy to pump. Due to the increased effort, the heart muscle
thickens and the heart becomes enlarged. It needs more oxygen; untreated
high blood pressure can lead to decreased diameter of the arteries and
arterioles causing atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks, and kidney
Heart Attack:
The most common heart problems result from faulty coronary circulation. A
heart attack as well as cardiac infection is the death of an area of
cardiac tissue because of an interrupted blood supply. This may result
from a plaque in the arterial wall. The severity of the attack depends on
how much of the heart tissue is damaged. The heart will lose some of
its strength after an attack.
It is a malignant disease; that occurs due to the uncontrolled production of
immature white blood cells. Cells that lack the genetic ability to
reach immaturity anemia and bleeding are commonly seen due to the
crowding out of normal bone marrow cells, overproduction of immature
cells, preventing the normal production of red blood cells and platelets. In
order to protect from leukemia, we should take the following measures:

To take blood under the prescribed prescription of the physicians
relevant to heart diseases
To check heart complicacies, regular physical exercise is virtually
The patient with heart casualties should take regular physical exercise.
He should take cholesterol-free as well hydrolysis type of foods like
fats and oils-free foods
It is a process in which fatty things, particularly cholesterol and
triglycerides are deposited in the walls of medium-sized and large-sized
arteries. Smooth muscle cells of the arteries accumulate more of the
cholesterol, and a plaque can be formed in the blood vessels. This can
block the artery and present the blood flow. If this clot becomes
dislodged, it can travel to other areas of the body and block the normal
flow of the blood. We can prevent this by prohibiting fats and oil types
of foods. We can also undertake physical exercise.


The most common brain disorder is stroke. The common causes of stroke
is as follows:

Blood clots
Ruptured brain arteries. If such brain disorder takes place, very few
people survive.

For Prevention of such state physical disorder, the following
precautions need to be adopted virtually:

To lead a tension-free life
To undertake regular physical exercise
A balanced food is virtually inevitable.

Coronary Thrombosis:

The build-up of athermancy makes blood vessels narrower and cuts down the
the flow of blood. This increases the brisk of blood clots forming. A clot
can block a blood vessel and for such hyper critical state of mental
affairs, a thrombus is formed and ultimately it tends to heart blockage
which emanates severe consequences of death. Suffice it to say, such heart
blockage is quite responsible for a quarter of deaths around the world.
More people in the world’s developed countries die each year and even
if the affected part of the heart is damaged and sometimes a heart
attack is so severe that the heart stops beating altogether, due to such
sort of complication known as cardiac arrest, the humans can die unless
the heart starts beating within a moment.

Given the above, it is evident that Smoking is tremendously harmful
to creating health hazards that have tremendous adverse effects on
the overall mental affairs of the humans’ physical state. A man who enjoys
sound sleep as well as a sound body is healthy. For a healthy
and tension free life, we need to abandon smoking adversely affecting
upon physical and mental virtual health systematically. The heart
is the focal point of human beings and as such, due to the cause of blood
transmission problems, and lots of heart diseases. The blood
circulation system takes place from the heart and arteries and veins are
the carriers of it whereas veins carry pure blood and the entire
circulation system remains in the state of the continuous flow of balanced
form of humans’ endurance ideally.

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The Most Influential Personality in the World

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The Most Influential Personality by Kh. Atiar Rahman

There is no denying the fact that the great men who have dedicated throughout their lives to the cause of the salvation of humanity as well as Muslim solidarity and who have tried their supreme effort to establish peace and principles of truth in the hereinafter, out of them Mohammad (peace be upon him) was the greatest and as per the history of the world he had struggled for the truth universally recognized and bestowed by God upon human beings. He was the most influential personality in the world. He had come down to this ephemeral world with a message of salvation of humanity of the people who were enchained by evils, superstitions, corruptions, and anarchism.

God had sent him to the people of this earth as a clear direction of truth, divinity, and justice. God had bestowed Quaran as a complete code of life irrespective of caste and creed. It has also been bestowed on all people specifically those who are downtrodden, suffered, victimized, and poor. Michael Hart was a great author who had written a book named “The Hundred” which is bedded upon the hundred most influential personalities of the world since the creation of the earth. That is to say, the influential persons have come down to the ephemeral world with a definitive purpose to flourish in light of education in respect of both spiritual and institutional on earth as a tentative flow. Out of the hundred personalities Mohammad (peace be upon him) has been placed on the top, as he was the most influential and spiritual leader throughout the whole world at that time. After placing his name on the top, the Christian communities and the people of other religions were rent and rave for the circulation of the book. Later Hart explicated that, since the creation of human beings, till date, Mohammad (peace be upon him)  was an influential person in the sense that from the life of a shepherd, he had promoted his life to prophet-hood by his spiritual power and utmost faith upon almighty Allah. He was such a shining star in the Islamic World, which upheld the maxim of messages of the holy Quaran, which had been bestowed upon him for long 23 years. Hart also said that he was proud of placing this name on the top because he said that he had done the right thing by doing so. According to him, as a writer, it was his duty to express the truth before those who are curious, ignorant, and inquisitive to know the unknown.

Mohammad (SM) was the greatest prophet of all time. He was born in a famous Quarieesh tribe. Before his birth, his father Abdullah had died and at the age of six, his mother died. Later, his uncle Abu Talib and his grandfather Abu Motalib brought up this orphan child. In the history of mankind, these two figures have been reflected in the Muslim world with supreme reverence and sanctity. Mohammad (SM) was the symbol of self-help and spent most of his childhood advising the people for self-reliance based on full faith in Islam. His foster mother Halima had brought up him from his very early days. She had observed very rare qualities in him and she, with a great heart began to bring him up with due solemnity and praise. His uncle, Abu Talib was a business about trade and commerce, he started for Syria. On his way he came across Buhaiya, a veteran demonstrator of Christian religion having talked with Mohammad(SM) he had been pleased and predicted that he had preserved every qualities of the prophet and he had been sent to this world as the blessings of this universe. While the sheep were grazing under his control as a shepherd boy, his heart had been rendered and washed under the miracle incident made by the angels as set forth by Almighty Allah.

Afterward, he farmed as a promising man of God ‘Hilful- Hilful-Fazal’ The people at that time in the desert land in dark Arabia had kept faith in him to lead the youth peacefully. The object of such a promise was to help mankind by way of religion and lead them to control. The social people loved him and got acquainted with ‘Al-Amine which means trustworthy. That is to say, the people of Mecca at that time had a scarcity of faith among themselves, so they had developed faith in Mohammad having seen the activities of Mohammad based on spiritualistic behavior linked with Allah directly, specifically when they kept their goods preserved to Mohammad, took it under his control and returned it at the response of them. Thus, the people of Mecca used to get acquaintance of great heart and thus a faith among them had been developed by degrees. At that time, the people of Mecca were filled with distrust and ignorance and they were involved in various prejudices and believed in a variety of gods and goddesses, meaning that they used to worship idols. In the year 595, he took part in trading with Khadija, and within a short period, she earned lots of profit in her business, she got the identity of a true heart like Mohammad(SM). She was a wealthy lady at that time and by way of achieving the identity of a great personality like Mohammad (SM), she proposed to him for marriage. He told her that he would marry her under one condition- she had to bestow her wealth and fortune for the sake of Islam on the promise to live like the poor, the way he lives. Khadeja, having heard such a proposal agreed to such condition and they got married. At that time, his age was 25, and she was 40.

After their marriage, an epidemic had taken place in the country at that time. Mohammad(SM) distributed all the resources he had possessed from Khadeja in order to remove the adversity of the people. At that time, the thought of sacrifice for the good of the people was intensified and he was influenced by devotion towards almighty Allah daily. Apart from Mecca three miles away, in the cave of Hera, he was absorbed in deep meditation of almighty Allah. Such a process of supplication continued for forty years. One day, during his meditation, the angel Jibrail (AM) came unto him and said,” Oh! Mohammad, you are the rusul of Allah, you have been sent by Allah”. And thereafter, a message of Allah came, ” Read in the name of your lord, from this day onward, in the cave of Here, Mohammad (SM) used to receive messages from Allah through messenger, Jibrail(AM), he accurately the complete message of the holy Quran, with his unquestionable, the ultimate and the complete code of life. To convey the message of peace and solidarity, he had struggled throughout his life. The non-Muslims were troubled in many ways, they threw stones at him, spat at him, beat him, and cursed him. He was tormented in various ways, he would tolerate all the misdeeds of the people, his sole message was,” Those people who have unknowingly behaved with me in such a manner, I pray for them to Allah for salvation and forgiveness. The holy Quran has come down to this world with full codes, ethics, and directions of Allah. Muhammad (pbh) had achieved such messages from Allah directly and it is a recognized phenomenon that the holy Quaran is completely bedded on superhuman creation.

Suffice it to say that presently in the contemporary age, researchers with a multiplicity of educational and theological well-being are recommending controversial theories about the Quaran and Islamic history, and are striving to reinterpret Islam for the modern world. This is, as one scholar puts it, a “susceptible commerce.” Through the past century, the Baha’is of Iran have been maltreated. With the victory of the Islamic upheaval in 1979, this persecution has been standardizing. More than 200 Baha’is have been executed or killed, hundreds more have been imprisoned, and tens of thousands have been deprived of jobs, pensions, businesses, and educational opportunities. All national Baha’i administrative structures have been banned by the government, and holy places, shrines and cemeteries have been confiscated, vandalized, or destroyed. While we here at the Free Thought Mecca often poke fun at our membership in various Zionist and Freemason-funded conspiracies, the existence of real victims of such accusations is no laughing matter. The Baha’is in Iran have taken the role of the Jews in medieval Christian Europe. They are persecuted for crimes they committed only in the imagination of religious fascists. The powers that be in many Islamic countries have expressed a deep hatred for the gentle Baha’is, and openly acknowledge the faith as a threat to the true deem. The persecution is not only in Iran but all over West Asia and North Africa. In January of 1986, one Egyptian cleric remarked that “a Baha’i deserves the penalty of an apostate… one who should either be brought to repentance or killed.”2 This is how the “tolerant” and “loving” scholars of Allah’s true religion feel about those who put forth a more peace-loving version of their faith.

This deep animosity for the Baha’is is found on every level of the global ummah, from high-ranking clerics to part-time cyber-mujahideen thugs who invade Baha’i newsgroups and chats. The fact that Muslims would show so much hatred for such a tolerant religion leaves yet another black eye on the already besmirched record of the Islamic religion. Because of this, the Muslims often try to justify their hatred for Baha’is by cooking up all sorts of insane conspiracy theories about them being Zionists, Free Masons, or a plot hatched by the Soviets. The first step was to follow in the footsteps of similar sorts of insane conspiracy theories launched at the Jews. Just as there is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion3, anti-Baha’i fascists cooked up the fictitious Memoirs of Count Dogorouki, a manuscript of Persian origin that claims a Russian diplomat confessed to creating the Baha’i faith as part of a plot to extend Russian imperialism. After the Russian Revolution, interpretations of the Memoirs were changed to claim that the Baha’i faith was a Soviet/Marxist conspiracy. When Britain tried to colonize Iran, the claim that the Baha’is were “British agents” became quite popular4. Of course, after the creation of the state of Israel, the fact that the Baha’is had headquarters in Haifa helped corroborate the claim that they were “Zionists.” Another tag that was later added was that of “Freemasons” (which is a wholly ambiguous term for the collective bogeyman from the Islamic standpoint and has nothing to do with the realities of that Fraternal order).

The religion of Mohammad (SM) as envisaged in Al-Quaran ensures an ideal life based on codes, ethics, regulations, and rules truly applicable to all humans. Al Quaran is the complete code of life with which there is a sequential flow between death and life. This eternity is a very temporary life but the transient growth of human lives one day will finish and thereafter another life will start and as such we are afraid of whether our punishment will be more after eternal life. It is said that Man is unjust, God is just, and finally, justice triumphs. Our prophet’s life was not a bed of roses, rather it was based on a bed of thorns. Through unlimited sorrows, he has spent his life and by utmost hard struggle, he has established and enriched his religion ‘Islam’.  

As has been highlighted, it is evident that not only Bahai but also many people of a variety of communities throughout the whole world misguide the lives of the muslins and as such, the muslins have struggled to establish the truth which is bestowed by God. All men are created equally but presently, the differentials and degradation against the Muslims have been created tremendously. We should forget any obstacles and rather we should embrace one another under the shadow of peace and prosperity of life. Prophet Mohammad(SM) has taught forgiveness, justice, equality, fraternity, harmony, peace, and humanity of the people as a whole in the universe. In this context, two lines of a poem composed by Rudyard Kipling are worth mentioning:

‘Forgiveness free of evil done

And love to all men neath the sun”

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Confidence is a life-challenging thought

Immense confidence! trust and belief,

A feeling of certainty, firm notion, or emotion

Faith brings hope and belief, in the pattern of collection,

Becoming a confident person and struggling.

This is a great pleasure of surprise!

People lack the confidence to do what they need to do.

Sometimes to do what they should have done.

How to become a confident person?

Be a person who takes action!

Share and help others!

Spend time with confident people!

Confidence is the result of doing something!

Taking action builds confidence!

Confidence is caught!  It is contagious!

With confidence everywhere,

A life seems to be an utter rhyme,

Truth prevails in the long run with the rhythmic tune.

Confidence brings people to survive with honor and dignity. A life is nothing but a terrestrial zone and its existence is ensured by continuous struggle. A life is nothing but a struggle to survive only for the fittest person in the society. Confidence is life in the sense that it involves the integration between painstaking labor and utmost effort.

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Street Children, Their Vulnerability and Sustainability

Street children are those who are hopeless, frustrated, and homeless and who pass their lives erratically, here and there without having any particular whereabouts. They have no fundamental rights like food, shelter, and clothing to survive on Earth. They somehow manage their lives based on the kindness of the people. They live from hand to mouth. They pass aimless life like a ship without radar. They have no demands for education and health services because of their helplessness given their no particular identity in society.

Street children don’t have any idea about their future. They don’t have any particular job. They are generally found beside slums, rivers, markets, rail stations, and around the airports. Sometimes they are found in the middle of the town begging and asking for food or money in the name of god or sometimes expressing their sorrowful attitude in respect of their physical disability. They are found sleeping at night in the corner of the road under miserable conditions. They are found sometimes crying to get onto the bus for begging from person to person, if the people are found kind-hearted, they may give some money. They make their best efforts to survive somehow on Earth. Sometimes they fall in accidents while moving to and fro along the streets. They don’t know the traffic rules even if they don’t pass through the zebra crossing. For this reason, they occasionally are found to be seriously wounded by the people while plying over the roads. Many times they are found to cry and shout for pain in their physical organs. Law enforcement agencies sometimes pick them up in their vans and drop their body in the medical centers. As the street children cannot pay the fees of the doctors, the doctors ignore them. And do not take care of them by providing necessary aids. Such street children emanate as motherless children and orphans. Many times, the original parents leave them for want of sufficient resources to feed and bring up them. Many religious-minded people may sometimes take them to an orphanage or any missionary rehabilitation center. Here, street children are brought up, grow up, and are considered the citizen of the nation. This happens in rare cases. In a major portion, street children are helpless and pass much distorted life. Sometimes, they are found thieving the goods from the shops, markets, and even from the houses of the people. Sometimes, they are found to hide from the police, and sometimes they are found arrested and sentenced to imprisonment. In this way, they spend their lives in the jail. In real-life situations, if they are caught by the civilian people, they are immorally tortured mentally and physically. Even, if they are found while in pickpocketing or snatching mobile phones or wristwatches, they are caught by agitated people and they are beaten mercilessly. Consequently, if they are found alive, they are sent to the local police station for further prosecution against pickpocketing and thieving. Their lives at night are very heart-rending as they have no shelter to sleep at night; they have to face rainfalls and any natural disaster without any means of survival.Street children need to be put in rehabilitation as they may be treated as the future backbone of the nation. In this respect society and the government should come forward to provide the necessary ways and means so that they may raise their heads in bright daylight in the healthy life of society. The government should chalk out a plunge to settle them by providing food, shelter, and clothing. Not only that, they should provide support for education and health care. The government can also make plans to set up rehabilitation centers in different divisions, districts, and other high-level sectors. There should be a set up of a monitoring cell to identify the number of street children. Street children may be identified by allocating an index number. The respective centers should specify their fundamental needs like food, shelter, and clothing and other needs like education and health services; this will be dealt with on behalf of the state parties who will allocate funds for this purpose. The rehabilitation centers need to provide logistic support so that the street children can raise their heads like other good citizens of the country. We are conversant that the street children are lying scattered here and there. They are being mentally tortured and physically injured every time by the people who find them being involved in socially immoral activities. Even the government can establish refund centers to amend their drawbacks in their lives. If we look around the world, we will find that there are an unlimited number of institutes and rehabilitation centers where street children are being developed mentally and physically. In such institutes, the molding of the character of the children is prioritized and in every sphere of education equal importance on moral as well as academic studies Our responsibility is to find out the street children and send them to the rehabilitation centers where they would receive better treatment. Street Children, Their Vulnerability, and SustainabilityEven we can send them to an orphanage where the children are provided with food, shelter, and clothing with better health care and education. We should not behave with them rudely rather we should be kind-hearted so that they are developed mentally and physically to promote their standard of living. It is a matter of great regret that the street children are dealing miserable life; there are a lot of magnanimous people who have established different missionary schools, hospitals, and children’s amendment centers. Madam Teresa was one of the personalities who had established more than four thousand centers. In those centers, children from different countries and every nook and corner of the world, even from other parts of outside India take education and learn good conduct. They promote themselves and are enlightened in the field of moral and spiritual education.It is a significant fact that money is lost, and nothing is lost. Health is lost, something is lost. But character is lost then everything is lost. We should consider street children like our children and as such we should not neglect them in any circumstances. In our present society, we should emphasize them towards molding their moral character. Due to the fact, modern society is polluted for want of proper guidance from the parents and the government. Our children are also being polluted by the uneven education system prevailing in our country let alone the street children.

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Environment versus Global Warming

Global warming envisages the warming of the atmospheric layer where the volume of the Carbon dioxide gas is tremendously increased. The state of carbon dioxide growth exists due to a shortage of plants and trees and greenhouse effects. This global warming is a threat to the survival of polar bears in arctic regions. Polar bears are ferocious and killer animals but they have a vital role in keeping the environment free from pollution. And as such our environment remains healthy and upkeep due to the survival of such mischievous animals in arctic regions. We are conversant that the ultraviolet ray emitted from the sun and due to tremendous increase in the atmospheric layer, the ozone layer is licked and ultraviolet rays pass through the ozone layer and fall into the surface of the earth. As a result, the earth’s surface layer is warmed up and ultimately, the height of the sea level goes up. In this respect, modern scientists believe that one day, the earth will remain inundated under water. Due to global warming taking place in the Arctic region, ice melts down, and as such polar bears find difficulties in surviving on earth. In this case, some polar bears are found missing and somehow, some survive through continuous suffering and painstaking efforts. The polar bears who somehow survive find less food during this time. When their hibernation starts, they cannot be able to save sufficient food reserves in the form of fat inside their bodies. Thus, due to the colossal effects of global warming, arctic animals are dying out day by day. The arctic animals are of great use to us as they destroy poisonous insects and other dust particles which are wasted away by the tremendous flow of current at the sea level. A Polar bear is a gigantic animal that damages all sorts of debris ahead of them while locomotion. It develops a separate entity inside the Arctic region and survives for years together. No separate entity is to be developed around the globe outside the Arctic region. There is no denying the fact that the Polar Bears are dreadful animals and as such, hunting polar bears is difficult. The smelling power of the dangerous species is very high for which it can easily learn the whereabouts of the prey. The hunter generally shoots from a long distance apart from the polar bear and suffice it to say, it is very cumbersome to reach them by haunting but it is tamed by long-time technical training and observation thoroughly the nature of the animals. Canada is homespun to circa 16,000 of the appraised 20,000-25,000 mischievous species in the global polar areas. It is no wonder that such an icon of Canada’s wildlife heritage is of great cultural significance to the Canadian people. For the Inuit and many northern communities, dangerous species are especially significant culturally, spiritually, and economically. Canada has a sole preservation center to safeguard these iconic creatures. This is one reason why Canada has amplified investment in observing efforts in current years. Canada’s portfolio schedule for the animals of the icy-covered countries is designed to ensure that there are up-to-date population estimates for all 13 subpopulations that occur in our country. While monitoring, is thought-provoking due to the distant and inhospitable environment of the Arctic regions, population estimates can help ensure that management and upkeep actions are applicable. Given the above, global warming is a great threat to the survival of the animals of the arctic regions like the wide-ranging dangerous species throughout the world. In the field of ecological balances between living and non-living things, polar bears play a vital role in keeping our environment healthy and pollution-free.

Given the above, global warming is a great threat to the survival of the animals of the arctic regions like the wide-ranging dangerous species throughout the world. In the field of ecological balances between living and non-living things, polar bears play a vital role in keeping our environment healthy and pollution-free.

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Human Health Hazard

There is no denying the fact that Heart attacks don’t always strike out of the blue — there are many symptoms we can watch for in the days and weeks leading up to an attack. But the symptoms may not be the ones we expect. And they can be dissimilar in men and women, and different still in older adults. Last year, for specimen, a breakthrough study by the National Institutes of Health published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Institute found that 95 percent of women who had heart attacks testified undergoing symptoms in the weeks and months before the attack — but the signs weren’t the predictable chest pain, so they went unrecognized. It is an inquiring sensation as to how to tell if someone is having a Heart Attack

 whether he is in serious pain or dealing absolute abnormal behavior. We should not let that happen to anyone enjoying should health as a tentative flow. Here, 10 heart symptoms you’re likely to ignore — and shouldn’t.
It may be pointed out that one of the furthermost oft-overlooked signs of a heart attack is nausea and stomach pain. Symptoms can range from mild indigestion to severe nausea, cramping, and vomiting. Others experience a cramping-style ache in the upper belly. Women and adults over age 60 are more likely to experience this symptom and not recognize it as tied to cardiac health. Most cases of stomach ache and nausea aren’t caused by a heart attack, of course. But watch out for this sign by becoming familiar with our own digestive habits; pay attention when anything seems out of the ordinary, particularly if it comes on suddenly and you haven’t been exposed to stomach flu and haven’t eaten anything out of the ordinary.

A sharp pain and numbness in the chest, shoulder, and arm is an indicator of heart attack, but many people don’t experience heart attack pain this way at all. Instead, they may feel pain in the neck or shoulder area, or it may feel like it’s running along the jaw and up by the ear. Some women specifically report feeling the pain between their shoulder blades. A telltale sign: The pain comes and goes, rather than persisting unrelieved, as a pulled muscle would. This can make the pain both easy to overlook and difficult to pinpoint. You may notice pain in your neck one day, none the next day, then after that it might have moved to your ear and jaw. If you notice pain that seems to move or radiate upwards and out, this is important to bring to your doctor’s attention.

Having trouble achieving or keeping erections is common in men with coronary artery disease, but they may not make the connection. Just as arteries around the heart can narrow and harden, so can those that supply the penis — and because those arteries are smaller, they may show damage sooner. One survey of European men being treated for cardiovascular disease found that two out of three had suffered from erectile dysfunction before they were ever diagnosed with heart trouble.

A sense of crushing fatigue that lasts for several days is another sign of heart trouble that’s all too often overlooked or explained away. Women, in particular, often look back after a heart attack and mention this symptom. More than 70 percent of women in last year’s NIH study, for example, reported extreme fatigue in the weeks or months prior to their heart attack. The key here is that the fatigue is unusually strong — not the kind of tiredness you can power through but the kind that lays you flat out in bed. If you’re normally a fairly energetic person and suddenly feel sidelined by fatigue, a call to your doctor is in order.

When your heart isn’t getting enough blood, it also isn’t getting enough oxygen. And when there’s not enough oxygen circulating in your blood, the result is feeling unable to draw a deep, satisfying breath — the same feeling you get when you’re at high elevation. Additional symptoms can be light-hotheadedness and dizziness. But sadly, people don’t attribute this symptom to heart disease, because they associate breathing with the lungs, not the heart. In last year’s NIH study, more than 40 percent of women heart attack victims remembered experiencing this symptom. A common description of the feeling: “I couldn’t catch my breath while walking up the driveway.”

It is clear from above explanation that the heart muscle may not  function  properly, waste products aren’t carried away from tissues by the blood, and the result can be edema, or swelling caused by fluid retention. Edema usually starts in the feet, ankles, and legs because they’re furthest from the heart, where circulation is poorer. In addition, when tissues don’t get enough blood, it can lead to a painful condition called ischemia. Bring swelling and pain to the attention of your doctor.

This is an offbeat and complicated one doctor can’t yet explain. Those who’ve had heart attacks often remember experiencing a sudden, unexplained inability to fall asleep or stay asleep during the month or weeks before their heart attack. (Note: If you already experience insomnia regularly, this symptom can be hard to distinguish.). Patients often report the feeling as one of being “keyed up” and wound tight; they remember lying in bed with racing thoughts and sometimes a racing heart. In the NIH report, many of the women surveyed reported feeling a sense of “impending doom,” as if a disaster were about to occur. If you don’t normally have trouble sleeping and begin to experience acute insomnia and anxiety for unexplained reasons, speak with your doctor.

There are lots of factors like Clammy, sweaty skin, along with feeling light-headed, exhausted, and weak, leads some people to believe they’re coming down with the flu when, in fact, they’re having a heart attack. Even the feeling of heaviness or pressure in the chest — typical of some people’s experience in a heart attack — may be confused with having a chest cold or the flu.
If you experience severe flu-like symptoms that don’t quite add up to the flu (no high temperature, for example), call your doctor or advice nurse to talk it over. Watch out also for persistent wheezing or chronic coughing that doesn’t resolve itself; that can be a sign of heart disease, experts say. Patients sometimes attribute these symptoms to a cold or flu, asthma, or lung disease when what’s happening is that poor circulation is causing fluid to accumulate in the lungs.

Suffice it to say that one little-known symptom that sometimes predates a heart attack is known as ventricular tachycardia, more commonly described as rapid and irregular pulse and heart rate. During these episodes, which come on suddenly, you feel as if your heart is beating very fast and hard, like you just ran up a hill — except you didn’t. “I’d look down and I could actually see my heart pounding,” one person recalled. It can last just a few seconds or longer; if longer, you may also notice dizziness and weakness.
Some patients confuse these episodes with panic attacks. Rapid pulse and heartbeat that aren’t brought on by exertion always signal an issue to bring to your doctor’s attention.

It is a significant fact that Heart attacks in older adults (especially those in their 80s and outside, or in those who have dementia or manifold health conditions), can mimic many other conditions. But an overall theme heard from those whose loved ones suffered heart attacks is that in the days leading up to and after a cardiac event, they “just didn’t seem like themselves.”

In view of the above it is evident that a 

decent rule of thumb, doyens say, is to watch for clusters of symptoms that come on all at once and aren’t typical of your normal experience. For instance, a normally alert, energetic person suddenly begins to have muddled thinking, memory loss, deep fatigue, and a sense of being “out of it.” The underlying cause could be something as simple as a urinary tract infection, but it could also be a heart attack. If our body is doing unusual things and you just don’t feel “right,” don’t wait. See a doctor and ask for a thorough work-up. And if you have any risk factors for cardiac disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, or family history of heart disease, make sure the doctor knows about those issues, too.

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William Shakespeare, my favourite Author

God has created many people with merits of hardihood and creativity in the world. Different humans have a variety of creativity but such a man with thousands of literary creations in one brain is something. He is born brilliant. When I heard that there was a person of such outstanding quality, I was curious to know about him. After knowing about him, he became my favorite personality in the world. William Shakespeare was a shining star in the sky of English literature who had created history by way of critically analyzing the problems of human beings and trying to resolve them virtually. He was the greatest dramatist and poet in the world. He led his life very simply, cleanly, and controlled which were the best ornaments at that time. He was born in 1564 in Stratford England in the village of Port Avon. From his childhood, he was sincere and soft-minded. He was an intelligent and uncommon genius. He had written several books based on tragic drama and romantic comedy. He was recognized by the world as a world-class author who stirred the minds of readers for all time in history. He died in 1616. Now, I will try to focus on some of his books where the author has created the complex problems of human beings like love, jealousy, competition, over-ambitious, and thieving.MACBETH
In this book, there is no doubt that Macbeth is a tragic hero. The flow of his agitation during his upbringing, and his ambitious life bring about his downfall. The evil in him is symbolized by his ambition and only his ambition was one of the main vices of the devil that brought about a mischievous destruction in the character of Macbeth where he had become boosted by being enterprising by the supernatural spirits. Shakespeare has treated ambition in this context as pride, jealousy,y, and rebellion against the will of God. Macbeth had killed his just king for pelf and power and ultimately he inflicted the realms of frustration and the abuses of the people who were the silent evidence of his evil doings. YOU LIKE IT
It is one of Shakespeare’s finest comedies which has occupied a great space of pleasure, romanticism, and the gist of the contrast between the two groups of people who are the citizens of two different strategies of life. One seeks pleasure amid luxurious life and the other is accustomed to living in the forest of Arden where peace and tranquility of love under the Greenwood tree is very much based on illuminating conflagration. This play gives us plenty of gaiety, mirth, and joyousness of romanticism. It keeps the readers happy and laughing most of the time because of the abundance it of wit and humor. As you like it represents several characters that are the center point of the source of wit and humor. The Romantic Rosalind, Celia, Touchstone, and cynical Jacques are the characters of the play who deal with wit and humor. JULIUS CAESAR
It is a tragedy where the consequence of an over-ambitious man has been vividly envisaged. Caesar was a just ruler who was dedicated to the well-being of the people. Brutus, one of the courteous of Caesar being jealous had killed Caesar, which inflicted dangerous misfortune on Brutus.MERCHANTS OF VENICE
It is a story about two merchants in Venice who are very influential personalities concerning business and wealth. The two persons were Antonio and Shylock. Bassano was the friend of Antonio. He needed money to impress the beauty of Portia who was famous for her intelligence and ready wit. On behalf of Bassanio, he borrowed money from Shylock based on a strange bond. The bond envisages that in case of failure in making repayment within the stipulated time, Shylock would cut one pound of flesh from any part of Antonio’s body. In the last part of the story, the fatal consequences of Shylock have been vividly described.HAMLET
It is a story of tragedy where Hamlet is tormented with thoughts about the conflicts regarding his father’s death. He came to learn by the miracle message of his father’s ghost spirit. His mother had married his uncle who had killed his father. By dint of his indomitable will and hardihood, he had revenged upon them. I Like His Books
The way Shakespeare writes his plays and books is unparalleled. His style of writing is different from others. As he has always been exceptional to me and I have read many of his books I should rather say that he is a great author.

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“1984” by George Orwell, My Favourite Book

There is no denying the fact that George Orwell was a British Columnist and Author, who created the renowned two novels of the 20th century ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ through which he showed a restoration of the new civilized era by way of criticism and comparison of social and economical consequences. Orwell was born in Eric Arthur Blair on 25 June 1903 in Eastern India, the son of a British colonial civil servant. He was educated in England and, after he had left Eton, became attached to the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, then a British outpost. He was acquiescent in 1927 and strong-willed to turn out to be a writer. In 1928, he went to Paris where lack of accomplishment as a writer forced him into a series of tedious jobs. He narrated his experience in his first book, ‘Down and Out in Paris and London’, published in 1933. He took the name George Orwell, shortly before its publication. This was followed by his first novel, ‘Burmese Days’, in 1934 who was a rebel in the late 1920s, by the 1930s he had begun to look upon himself a collectivist. In 1936, he was expressly made to write a report on scarcity among unwaged miners in northern England, which resulted in ‘The Road to Wigan Pier’ (1937). Late in 1936, Orwell paid a visit to Spain to brawl for the Republicans flanking Franco’s Nationalists as well as functionalists. He felt a keen necessity to run away in the horror of his life from Soviet-backed communists who were suppressing world-shattering communist dissenters. The know-how curved him into an enduring anti-Stalinist.  Between 1941 and 1943, Orwell carried out an intensive survey on misinformation for the BBC. In 1943, he became legendary editor of the Tribune, a weekly left-wing magazine. To date he has been a creative member of the press, writing articles, reviews, and books based on the humanitarian social reforms in question. In 1945, Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ was published and as such a political allegory was set in a farmyard but based on Stalin’s disloyalty of the Russian Revolution, it made Orwell’s name and ensured he was monetarily pleased for the first time in his life. ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ was in print four years later by setting to make-believe totalitarian future, the book made a deep impression, with its title and many phrases – such as ‘Big Brother is watching you’, ‘newspeak’ and ‘doublethink’ – entering popular use. By now Orwell’s health was deteriorating and he breathed his last having suffered from tuberculosis on 21 January 1950. The book,”1984” by George Orwell, is analyzed as the author’s forecast of the prospect. George Orwell uses his mythical skills to give information on what he assumes would take place in the year, 1984. The protagonist, Winston writes in a diary his feelings which is against the law. This event in the novel is very important because he can finally express himself and get his thoughts out of his mind. In the day that we live in, it’s no big deal to write in a diary but, in the times when it was not legal to express thoughts and feelings, it meant a lot. First, he feels that writing in that diary, Winston was a very courageous step to take. If he were in his shoes he thinks that he would have sought to write in the diary but, he honestly would have been too nervous. Having the ability to express one’s opinion is very important because not everyone is the same and we should all be able to voice our opinions at appropriate times. Sometimes in school, he tends to find myself wanting to say something but knowing that it is not appropriate for that time. So, instead, he express myself by writing it down or speaking to my parents about it. Either or, it feels better to get my thoughts out than to hold them in. Because of the above, it is noteworthy that it needs to finish off, George Orwell’s, “1984,” was deeply concerned with research as the author’s discernment of how the prospect of England would be focused in the due sense in respect of the economy, industry, technology and how its role would be reflected before the world to alleviate poverty and unemployment from social life. He specifically contemplated his predictions for the year 1984. The courageous episode that took place when Winston wrote in his diary was very noteworthy. This intensively accelerated the understanding of the novel for the reason that it showed how influential the self-determination of speech and expression is. If the government had to ban it, it must have been very powerful. This has revitalized the author’s perception of expression as a whole. The book 1984 was a remarkable novel in the history of socialism to establish the rights of the people being very hopeful and constructive on a large scale.

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Food Tourism

There is no denying the fact that food tourism is about much more than just enjoying a good meal, a pint of beer, or a glass of wine during a trip. It is a way of immersing ourselves into the culture and heritage of a region, making the experiences memorable in a unique and personal way. According to Tecumseh, a renowned researcher and a philosopher of food tourism, “When we rise in the morning, we should give thanks for the light, for our life, for our strength. we should give thanks for our food and the joy of living. If we see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in ourselves”. A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong. There are only three things that women need in life: food, water, and compliments according to Chris Rock, “The success of this sector is linked to all newness of motion and livelihood and the time being more perceptible trend; the search for authentic experiences among the growing number of travelers tend to those who are tired of tourism for tourists.”
For all businesses associated with food, culture, and tourism, this couldn’t be a better opportunity for those wanting to move forward, gain greater visibility, and attract more customers. According to the Global Report on Food Tourism by the World Tourism Organization, the average tourist spends around a third of their holiday budget on food. This shows the degree to which this sector is involved with a visitor’s in-destination experience. However, it’s worth emphasizing that not all visitors arrive at a destination solely to enjoy gourmet food, nor do all culinary businesses offer this experience. It is quite tough to make a list of the top tourist destinations offering culinary appeal. Places with exotic food and a range of premium wines compete with each other to earn the top position in tourist’ ranking. However, an attempt has been made to list out the top ten destinations for culinary tourism and here we go: The silent backstreets of Transverses in Rome is a quiet getaway to explore the world of authentic Italian culinary treats. It is one of the most sought-after places in Rome for food aficionados. Mouthwatering pasta, oxtail rigatoni, and tiramisu are absolute legends plus you have an assortment of grilled veggies drizzled with pesto and olive oil. This place is renowned for its bakeries, and you cannot help drooling due to the lovely aroma that evolved from the bakery’s oven while walking down the streets of Transverse. It is truly a food enthusiast’s paradise.

New Orleans in Louisiana: New Orleans in Louisiana is a very popular destination for gastronomic buffs. Food occupies a very important status in the local culture and is ingrained in the philosophy of life. The city is a big crowd-puller for its mouthwatering preparations of catfish and jambalaya, an awesome mix of shrimp, chicken, rice, and sausage. The cuisine has its roots in the Caribbean islands and is truly acceptable to travel lovers. This place has an exotic night to offer to the tourist looking for culinary varieties where the open-air market comes thick with aromas strong enough to stimulate your appetite. Just after dusk, the gas-lit souks have on offer terrific barbecues prepared from lamb, poultry, and camel meat. Seafood is a big hit with the culinary tourists as well. Nightlife in Djemaa El Fna is vibrant with gorgeous nightclubs hosting electrifying performances forming an additional attraction. Make sure that pickpockets don’t upset your culinary venture in the Marrakech square. The Ontario Culinary Tourism Alliance (OCTA) says that culinary tourism “includes any tourism experience in which a person learns about, appreciates, consumes or – dare we say – indulges in food and drink that reflects the local cuisine, heritage, or culture of a place”.

This concept is particularly interesting if we contrast it against our modern society which is becoming more and more globalized, where products and services are quickly replicated in different corners of the world. In this context, food tourism becomes the defining characteristic of a region’s identity. Culinary tourists are not only interested in the food they’re enjoying – which must be locally sourced, of course – but also want to know more about its history, its production, and its journey to the plate. A clear example of this is the growing success of wine tourism. Through these experiences, visitors not only taste great wine, but also discover its origin, participate in the grape harvest, and even buy the product they helped to make.

But, what is the main motivation for these consumers? According to Good Food Ireland: Food Tourism and Culture have become the leading hook in travel, with authenticity the single most important movement driving consumer behaviour today. It is this same search for authenticity that has led them to create the global forum which is a summit that brings together experts in gastronomy, culture, and tourism to exchange their diverse experiences, knowledge, and education in these sectors. Food Tourism can be positive for our target and your business as it increases the visibility and attractiveness of your region through differentiated value proposition (where can you enjoy the best gazpacho and tortilla if not in Spain? And what about the best pizza? And hearty stew?)

· It helps to protect the identity and culture of the destination.
· It can boost inbound traffic and promote year-round tourism.
· It attracts more middle-upper visitors who can afford to pay a little more for meaningful experiences.

Food Producers and Food Providers: The rise of Culinary Tourism is a great opportunity to create new products (e.g. food tasting, workshops, etc.). Why only sell chocolate in the store if you can also invite people to learn how to make bonbons? If you are looking for inspiration, have a look at this fantastic blog about Food Tourism around the world. Offering a gastronomic experience instead of just food increases the value of your product. When you transform your business into an experience business, you become unique. You have not only a product to offer, but you also have a story to tell. Never mind if you work in the city, on the beach, or in a small town in the mountains; each place has a story and a food tradition to share. So, what are you waiting for? Create a tour and prepare your storytelling skills. If you want a very good example, take a look at Free Walking Tour Ecuador.

Food tourism must be part of the destination strategy, offering a holistic experience to visitors.

· To stop collaboration and dialogue between every agent in the process: food providers, tour providers, tourism offices, etc. Have an online presence. Promotion is crucial if you want to attract more tourists to your experiences. If you want to, we can help you out.

· To offer and promote high-quality local products related to the region’s identity.
· We should not forget about storytelling marketing: A story is a great way to connect food with culture, tradition, and heritage.
· We should always look for innovation, without losing our region’s essence.

Given the above, it is evident that saving our planet, invigorating people out of deficiency, and advancing economic growth are one, and the same competition that prevails and dominates our financial system tentatively. We must associate the dots stuck between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security, and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be food solutions, in the end, in our tradition, is something holy. It’s not about nutrients and calories; It’s about sharing and It’s about sincerity. It’s about distinctiveness. Most of us have warmhearted reminiscences of food from our childhood. Whether it was our mom’s homemade lasagna or an impressive chocolate birthday cake, food has a way of transporting us back to the past.

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Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Any person making a declaration based on truth seems to be a stranger than fiction because the persons who are morally wrong in social and cultural life consider truth as a ream of unpunctual revitalization in real-life situations but truth prevails in the long run. In the world, truth may sometimes be predominated as a critic of unjust as man is fickle-minded in nature. Man’s justice is sometimes wrongly implicated. Truth is spiritually very bright in every sphere of cultivating knowledge and skills. Due to the existence of truth, knowledge is powerful. Hence Socrates said, ”From knowledge virtue and goodness flourish, and from ignorance all that is evil.”

The person who thinks that the truth is sometimes bitterly implicated in humans’ life, the person is the burden of society being jealous, hypocritical, corrupt, and always suffering from injustice and wrongdoings, they are afraid to speak the truth but in the eye of real justice and religion, truth needs to be best told upon the divine justice from God. God is a symbol of real justice and the truth is only protected by Him. In justifying any case, some shreds of evidence and witnesses are required. In this context, the hidden truth is to detect the actual thing between the delinquent and the plaintiff. According to the law of the country, the real justice is deviated and the judgment disregarding the truth can win the race. Even though truth is sometimes considered as a bitter critic but truth is always truth in the eye of Almighty. Hence, educationist Comenius says,” What comes from God is true but with the touch of humans it becomes untrue.” Hence for the sake of reality in our practical life we wrongly implicate the truth as a bitter phenomenon, but the truth always symbolizes the beauties of the Earth. Hence Keats says, ”Truth is beauty and beauty is truth. ”We are always said by the code of ethics we are sometimes instructed to speak the truth before the code of ethics. But in reality, we conceal the truth. In fine the truth does not win and it is wrongly implicated and mixed with falsification. For this reason, HW Longfellow says, ”Man is unjust, God is just; finally justice triumphs.”

Given the above, it is evident that we must not leave the truth at all events. God has bestowed us in this ephemeral world with some duties to worship him. We need to keep promises to obey him with divine justice. In this context a few lines of the poem,” The Snowy Window in the Evening” of Robert Frost are worth mentioning.

“The wood is lovely dark and deep,
I have promises to keep;
And I have miles to go before I sleep,
And I have miles to go before I sleep”

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Raja Ram Mohon Roy, A Pioneer of Modern India

There is no denying the fact that Raja Ram Mohan Roy has been recognized as the ‘Maker of Modern India’. He was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj, one of the first Indian socio-religious reform movements. He played a major role in abolishing the role of Sati. Raja Rammohan Roy was a great scholar and an independent thinker. He advocated the study of English, Science, Western Medicine, and Technology. He was given the title ‘Raja’ by the Mughal Emperor. 

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on May 22, 1772, in the village of Radhanagar in the District of Hooghly in Bengal. His father Ramkanto Roy was a Vaishnavite, while his mother, Tarini, was from a Shakta background. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was sent to Patna for higher studies. By the age of fifteen, Raja Rammohun Roy had learned Bangla, Persian, Arabic, and Sanskrit. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was against idol worship and orthodox Hindu rituals. He stood firmly against all sorts of social bigotry, conservatism, and superstitions. But his father was an orthodox Hindu Brahmin. This led to differences between Raja Ram Mohan Roy and his father. Following differences he left the house. He wandered around the Himalayas and went to Tibet. He traveled widely before returning home.

After his return, Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s family married him in the hope that he would change. But this did not have any effect on him. Raja Ram Mohan Roy went to Varanasi and studied the Vedas, the Upanishads, and Hindu philosophy deeply. When his father died in 1803 he returned to Murshidabad. He then worked as a moneylender in Calcutta, and from 1809 to 1814, he served in the Revenue Department of the East India Company. In 1814, Raja Ram Mohan Roy formed the Atmiya Sabha. Atmiya Sabha tried to initiate social and religious reforms in the society. Raja Ram Mohan Roy campaigned for rights for women, including the right for widows to remarry, and the right for women to hold property. He actively opposed the Sati system and the practice of polygamy. He also supported education, particularly the education of women. He believed that English-language education was superior to the traditional Indian education system, and he opposed the use of government funds to support schools teaching Sanskrit. In 1822, he founded a school based on English education.

In 1828, Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded the ‘Brahma Samaj’. Through ‘Brahma Samaj, he wanted to expose the religious hypocrisies and check the growing influence of Christianity on Hindu society. Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s efforts bore fruit when in 1829, the Sati system was abolished.  In November 1830 Ram Mohan Roy traveled to the United Kingdom as an ambassador of the Mughal emperor to plead for his pension and allowances. Raja Ram Mohan Roy passed away on September 27, 1833, at Stapleton near Bristol due to meningitis. This great personality and social reformer was born: on May 22, 1772, and died: on September 27, 1833. His achievements include founding Atmiya Sabha and Brahma Samaj. He also played a key role in abolishing the customs of Sati and fought for women’s rights.

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King Lear And His Kingships

There is no denying the fact that once there was discernment that was brought into being popular during the 16th century in England. It was in fastidious proliferated by the Tudor rulers in order to ensure the prolongation by their rules as the system of kingship was supposed to be fixed by the deity himself where men’s willingness was fake and fabricated. This doctrine affirmed that the king was god specified, self-governing, and a direct representative of supernatural beings on earth. Therefore under no state of affairs was the king to be aloof, put back as this throne appropriated on this would be alongside the strength of character of God. Once a king was named he was to remain one until he died or usual death and even to step down from the kingship was not permissible.

In his famous book, ‘Troilus and Cressida’ William Shakespeare verbalizes, “Take but degree away, untune that string, And hark, what discord follows” he sought to articulate explicitly that for the Elizabethans, the dominion was not minimally a well-designed role where it was a fundamental part of a pecking order predestined by God himself which accommodates the celestial, saintly, human being, mammal and materialistic world. Everything had its selected place in this progression. To dislocate was to provoke pandemonium. The king was God’s right to be heard on earth and whichever attempt to squeeze the throne from him would lead to mayhem and suffice it to pronounce that it was not some far-flung theory which subsequently several Shakespeare’s plays are apprehensive with the remove from the power of kings – and that cataclysm perpetually tag along – is a manifestation of the implication of the impression, and of Elizabethan fretfulness about the chain to the queen.

The Elizabethans would have initiated it easier said than done to comprehend Lear’s renunciation. Even of inferior quality was to carve up the kingdom and thus generate scope for potential rivalry: such an accomplishment could not be tolerated by a people for whom the internecine bloodlettings of the wars of the Roses hang about a folk reminiscence. Shakespeare’s social group would understand Lear’s tribulations: a worn-out aged king with no son to succeed to his favorite daughter uncommitted. But they would have distinguished no answer but for the king to endure: God had placed him on the throne and, in the comprehensiveness of time, God would remove him. If they implicit Lear’s dilemma, they would recognize even better the chaos mechanism from his wrong-headed resolution.

There is a supplementary delicate standpoint in which we have to view this premise of kingship. The play seems to point toward that the altitude of the throne can distort the person who occupies it. Lear has been congregated for so long with adulation that he can no longer make a distinction connecting sincerity and deception. He has for so long been obeyed in every scrupulous that he cannot stand for the slightest delay in the observance of his wishes. That which in the young king might have been forthright and assertive has now degenerated into the vain, harsh, and imperious. It is an inquiring feeling whether it occurs in the case of all leaders, rulers, and kings. Perhaps but what we know for certain is that Lear has to undergo an agonized flaking away of accumulated layers of insensitivity and obtuseness before finding himself. Would he have needed to do so if he had been a humble servant rather than a sovereign? 

It seems by a hair’s breadth likely. Is a king sufferer as able-bodied as a ruler?

Parents and Child relationship

Even supposing, misfortunes in King Lear shoot up to a paramount celestial height, the chronicle finds its pedigree in an awful status like a run of the mill which envisages the apprehension between parents and grown-up children which reflects readers to be more intensive to have eagerness to know the situation ahead.

At its simplest, the play concerns itself with the expectations of aged parents and the differing responses of their adult children. Shakespeare’s Macbeth had no doubt about ‘that which should accompany old age’ which he clarifies as ‘tribute, devotion, submission’. King Lear would certainly say amen to that although he would add gratitude. His antagonism with Cordelia stems not only just from mortification and hurt pride but also from rage at her apparent ungratefulness. As 

he is progressively broken by Goneril and Regan, his torment resounds on this theme and even until he begins to learn through suffering, Lear’s thoughts are for himself 

of what his children’s obligations are to him, of what he has done for them and how it should be rewarded.

The key problem is that both parents and children are confronting a time of changeover, of exchange of power and authority. The parents are in taking a rain check, and the young are at the peak of their power and energy. We see two responses from the children. One, from Cordelia and Edgar, is to love and succor their parents, accept their faults, bear no grudge, bide their time. The other, from Goneril, Regan, and Edmond, is ruthless, self-centered, annoyed, and heavy-handed. The old is past it, no more than an encumbrance and an obstruction. They must be hard-pressed aside and inheritance detained. The best expression of this comes from Edmond, in the words he attributes to Edgar:’ I have heard him of the mountain it to be fit that, sons at perfect age, and fathers declined, the father should be as ward to the son and the son manages his revenue’. Lear, of course, receives a similarly short sheriff and In scene iv Goneril speaks repeatedly of his dotage the point is driven home later by Regan. As his daughters strip him of his retinue, Lear brokenly points out’ I gave you all’. The retort expresses well the philosophy of usurping ‘And in the nick of time, you bestow it’ and as such the fool drives home the point:

‘The hedge sparrow fed the cuckoo so long

That it’s hard if head bit off by it young’

Lear, Gloucester, and Kent cherish a conservative view in which family bonds, commitment, amazement, and reverence for pecking order are paramount: Gloucester, surveying the crumbling of Lear’s world and his own, laments: “We have seen the best of our time, Edmond, Goneril and Regan are the hard-headed, clear-sighted progressive – modernists who have no time for antiquated ideas. They are of today and the future, ordering their lives and very much in charge of their fate.

The conflicting attitudes of the children reach their apotheoses dramatically. Goneril and Regan combine to break their father; Edmond contributes to the blinding of Gloucester. Nothing will be allowed to stand in their way. A corresponding apotheosis restores the old values; when Edgar leads his blinded father to some retrieval of hope and happiness when Cordelia reassures the bewildered Lear, they are not being obedient, not responding to any hierarchical imperative. They are simply expressing a love, loyalty and regard too strong to have been undermined by the rash misjudgment of their father.

This straightforward fiction of two impulsion-aged men, betrayed by self-interested progeny and redeemed by the feelings of affection for of a wronged child, has a widespread significance. As children we have got to all come to terms with our attitudes to our parents, to their and our shifting needs. As parents we must brazen out the fact that our children will outgrow us and supersede.

Given the above, it is evident that there is no easy answer, no superficial ethics. conceivably, however, we learn with Lear and Gloucester, Cordelia and Edgar, that the old must not anticipate receiving all, must continue to give, to realize to learn- and the young must hold out care for and respect for as long as we are concerned with or for the craving to receive in question. Things cannot be hurried for which it is universally noted that ripeness is all.

Learning from suffering

Through suffering, Lear learns a new ethical view of his life and human relation relationship with one another specifically if the relation is framed with close human ties. According to him, it is a judgment nowhere in signal in early stages of the play, which develop in a mood of ruthless materialism, of that which can be counted and measured. Gloucester and Kent have a discussion of the sharing out of the kingdom; Lear wants his daughters to express the dimensions of their love; the actual number of knights becomes a crucial symbol of self-hood. A man it appears is what he owns, an expression of his belongings having been stressed by his daughters into justifying his needs for a retinue, Lear’s speech 

beginning ‘O reason not the need’ is magnificently moved, but cracks down in confusion. He seems to be asserting that man needs superfluous items to mark him off from animals, but the line of thought will not hold. It is, in any case, a view that he will draw closer to discard.

It is throughout the storm that Lear loses his footing towards a conception of what a man really is, what his true needs are. From uncontrolled against charlatan, he turns to sympathy for the unrehearsed -‘meager nude wretches’ before becoming one himself by dragging off his clothes in emulation of poor Tom. He, by his cosmopolitan outlook enunciates through the world of surface impressions: he recognizes and expresses that he is one of the lowliest.

Lear continues to learn of the keen necessity of honesty, sincerity, simplicity, and openness. It is a theme which culminates in his in his reunion with Cordelia and particularly in his birds in the cage speech. The important thing is to be with those one loves and trusts, to seek and offer forgiveness as may be necessitated to make merriments to each other company. Regarding the justice of human beings, we find in King Lear that the wealthy and mighty don’t guarantee even-handed justice; those with the whip-hand of power and authority often abuse it. Considering Lear’s trial of his daughter’s affection his disgusting punishment of Cordelia and Kent; the flaying of Lear and Gloucester by the newly installed high and mighty; and the cruel death of Cordelia. The demented trial of scene iii act vi somehow projects deceptiveness of it all, while Lear’s eruption in scene IV against the rascal beadle and robes and furred gowns is a fulminating attack on evil motives virtually. Gloucester contributes to this understanding in that his blinding, rich, and elevated is a catalyst that simply attracts goodness from the ordinary servants and the old man who guides him. This is why like Lear he comes to see the importance of sharing affluence and ruination excess. The best certification of righteousness seems to lie not in setting one man over another, but in mutual sympathy and regard for each other’s dignity and needs.

We are to conjecture that lusting after riches and belongings is eventually self-slaughter and the severe death of Cornwall, Goneril, Regan, and Edmond seem to peak to this. On the other hand, Lear and Gloucester- two old men who suffer and loss so much –seem in a sense to be triumphant, for they achieve some grasp of man’s need for outspokenness, justice truth, absolution, and love.

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Schooling Rights of Ethiopia

Schooling Rights of Ethiopia

There is no denying the fact that the indispensable rights of the offspring of Ethiopia necessitate to be reinforced by the UN charter, which envisages that a child should be protected appropriately. The hierarchical rights are being ignored every time as they are found homeless, hearth less and begging from door to door and underprivileged from the right of somehow survival on earth. They should be given proper rights like food, shelter and clothing and afterwards, they should be considered as a good citizen of the country for which education is expected for them. Ethiopia is a poverty-based country and as they are found lagging, not only that they become workers at the age of 5 or 6 and they think to help their parents and thus irrespective of men, women and children being illiterate, they lose their energy in doing so. In respect of socioeconomic condition, every Ethiopian have the fundamental right to be educated properly and ideally.

The UNESCO Team is working on the education rights of Ethiopia where human rights are being neglected every time; they are carrying out research work for their socio-economic development. In the first step, they are trying to educate them by way of basic and primary education, secondary education and professional-based technical education so that they can build themselves into the best citizen of their countries. The objective of improving the quality of education is important even in situations of emergency and crisis, to meet the psycho-social and developmental needs of war-affected students, and help the nationalities is the backbone of building a better future for their societies. There is a need to build up a multidisciplinary network of researchers who study how education has sometimes contributed to the outbreak of violent conflict and how education can prevent such conflict or its reappearance specifically for the people of Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, the socio-economic condition as has been developed today, the shortage of education is a major cause of poverty, at the personal and societal level, and poverty is likewise a major reason why children fail to enrol in school or quickly drop out. The situation is motivated in terms of crisis and instability. Poor families often give priority to boys’ education, possibly increasing future family income, but many boys from poor families themselves have to drop out of school to earn income. UNESCO identifies, and disseminates information on ways in which crisis-affected communities have managed to help children of Ethiopia from poor families to participate in schooling; and to alleviate poverty through non-formal education and skills training, including self-employment and micro-financing systems have been intensively geared up presently in a systematic manner.

After an emergency, the initial ladders towards the renovation of schooling are often adopted by community groups. Teachers, youth and adult educators are being drawn from the community, providing psycho-social benefits to the learners and the community as a whole. It is a fact that the capacity-building for the community’s role in school management should begin with in-service training of teachers and training of school management committees, from the earliest stage of the emergency. Secondary education will play an increasing part in emergency education programmes since lower secondary education is now widely recognized as an integral part of effective basic education (especially so in print-poor environments, where children study in a language which is often not their mother tongue, and where reversion to illiteracy is a constant threat for primary school graduates). Urgent needs include funding to cover school reconstruction, textbooks, supplies and equipment, including science and sports equipment, and teacher payment.

Employment opportunities are often very limited in emergencies. Hence it is important to carefully assess the fields of technical and vocational study that should be supported in emergency education programmes. In post-conflict situations, there is often scope for skilled employment in construction and other sectors. A combination of institution-based training and workplace training is desirable.

“UNESCO needs to endow with leadership and local capacity-building in situations of crisis and reconstruction in the fields below:

(I) educational planning, management and administration, including the coordination of international assistance;
(ii) strengthening and reorientation of the formal education system, notably curriculum, textbooks and examinations;
(iii) in-service and pre-service teacher training;
(iv) non-formal education and activities for out-of-school children, youth and adults, especially at-risk groups; and,
(v) in some circumstances, physical infrastructure and education equipment in collaboration with concerned partners for the sake of the people of Ethiopia.”

Given the above UNESCO should include crisis-affected communities in innovative development programmes, and recommend similar measures to multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental agencies working in this area. The rehabilitation of universities and teacher-training institutes is a key area for UNESCO support and can play a crucial role in harnessing the energies and talents of educated youth and academics to promote national renewal and a new vision for society. Innovative approaches need to be explored to increase outreach, including distance education programmes, especially for acknowledging teachers’ gained competence and upgrading them quickly from the perspective of reconstruction. Thus, the education rights to Ethiopia should be established as a tentative flow.

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